Vocab words weeks 1-4


Every week, you will be given a set of “words to own.” Be sure to keep all handouts because quizzes and test will include words from throughout. This week’s words are: 

Their: belonging to them (possessive of "they")

They put their books away. 

There: in that place (adverb)

Put the papers over there. 

They're: a contraction of the two words "they are"

They're the people you should contact. 

Your: possessive of you (pronoun)

Your father came to visit us. 

You're: contraction of "you are"

It looks like you're not feeling well. 

Its: a possessive singular pronoun

The phrase has lost its meaning. 

It's: a contraction for "it is" or "it has"

It's time to quit.

Than: Compares two things.She is taller than he is.

Then: Has to do with time or the order of events.

Prices were lower back then.

VOCABULARY “WORDS TO OWN”: Week of Sept. 21-25  

Accept: To take what is offered, receive willingly.

My example: I accept your apology.  

Except: To leave out, excluding:

Put it all in the box except the vase.

Expect: To look forward to or anticipate:

I expect to see her here soon. 

Affect: As a verb, to influence:

The rain will affect our plans for a picnic.

Effect: A result, a change; usually a noun

The farmers felt the effect of the drought for years.  

Among: Used with more than two things:

We were not among the crowd. 

Between: used with only two things

The race was between Jim and Joe 

Desert: to abandon (verb)

He deserted his buddies at the party 

Desert: a barren geographical area (noun)

The Sahara is a huge desert 

Dessert: a course at the end of the meal (noun)

Sue enjoys pumpkin pie for dessert.


VOCABULARY “WORDS TO OWN”: Week of Sept. 28-Oct. 2   

All ready: Everyone or everything is ready;

We were all ready to go.

Already: By this time; soon; even now

Are you finished with your work already? 

Altogether: completely or thoroughly

The answer is altogether correct. 

All together: in a group

The employees were all together. 

Passed: moved along; transferred (verb)

We passed Billy's house. 

Past: always used with a helping verb or can be used as a noun

We went past Billy's house. (helping verb)

We should learn from the past. (noun)


Stationary: not moving; fixed

He rode on the stationary bike. 

Stationery: writing paper or writing materials

The secretary wrote on stationery. 

Advice: a recommendation (noun)

I will seek the advice of a specialist. 

Advise: to suggest, to recommend (verb)

He advised me to consult an attorney.


VOCABULARY “WORDS TO OWN”: Week of Oct. 5-9 

Farther: refers to actual distance

He walked three miles farther than the others. 

Further: means more; or, in addition to

Further research is needed in the area of nutrition. 

Weather: climate or atmosphere

The weather report called for snow. 

Whether: is used to introduce alternative

Whether or not you are ready, be at my office by three o'clock.

 Patience: refers to composure, endurance

He has no patience for small children.

 Patients: refers to sick people

The doctor must visit his patients at the hospital. 

Peak: top of a hill or mountain; topmost point

He was at the peak of his profession.

 Peek: a quick look

The child wanted to peek at her Christmas presents.